
Away from people. Away from the city. Away from the stereotype. Away from work. Away from noise. Away from crowded camps.
To nature. To solitude. To silence. To the countryside. Somewhere far away.

Revolution in travelling to nature.
With a caravan, under a tent or to log cabins and huts.

Discover the most beautiful places to spend time in nature. Experience what real camping is all about again.
We're looking for owners of magical places and connect them with adventurous souls longing for free travelling.

Find the best ones on Facebook and Instagram

Tips for new places are also sent by email:
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Wild camping. With the consent of the property owners.

We're returning freedom into camping. What was a matter of course a few years ago is becoming very rare today. With us you can camp in the most beautiful places.

Shelters, huts and fairy-tale cottages.

The smell of a campfire, the forest and a summer evening. Travelling light, without a tent or caravan. All you have to do is go out and discover.

Glamping. Cosy lounging in nature.

Stylish camping in a modern concept. The magic of these hiding places will get you.

Stellplatz. Your car also needs a rest.

Do you need to empty the toilet, refill the water or recharge the batteries? Find the nearest stellplatz on your journey.


Yes, it's true. There really are campsites that are worth a visit. We crossed the country and finally found them.

Try it. Hire a caravan. caravan and motorhome hire. For all those who sometimes want to enjoy free travel, but owning a caravan is too big an investment.

The best on

On a log

Connect with nature in our observation room.Bočky, a place that embrac...

Malý rodinný kemp

Ve stínu staletí starých dubů, na zelených terasách obklopených kamenn...

Hike under the forest

The land is located in a quiet, quiet recreational area where there ar...

Camp under Radhoštěm

The campsite is set aside from the Christmas tree plantation and is in...

Rover Rocks

Well-kept plot of 4456m2 in a beautiful quiet area with a view of Rono...

Silent Feather 2021 - Right now, discount for stays in January and March 2025 -- 20%

An inspiring place on the banks of the beautiful river Mohelka. Relax ...

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