
Away from people. Away from the city. Away from the stereotype. Away from work. Away from noise. Away from crowded camps.
To nature. To solitude. To silence. To the countryside. Somewhere far away.

Revolution in travelling to nature.
With a caravan, under a tent or to log cabins and huts.

Discover the most beautiful places to spend time in nature. Experience what real camping is all about again.
We're looking for owners of magical places and connect them with adventurous souls longing for free travelling.

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Tichá Peřej 2021 - Discount for stays from September to December 2024 -- 20%

An inspiring place on the banks of the beautiful river Mohelka. Relax ...

Beautiful view... the road is rocky from ...

Camping among the animals on the ranch

The Ranch offers a quiet and cozy, yet fully equipped space. You will ...

Marquee on the hill

A beautiful place for lovers of views who don't mind some inaccessibil...

Forest mill - tents

**In the winter of 2023/2024, we worked hard to make you enjoy your st...

Fajnplac - ponds with a pond / Vysočina

The picturesque place is located in a very quiet location below the vi...

Forest mill - caravans and motorhomes

**In the winter of 2023/2024, we worked hard to make you enjoy your st...

To Velké Bílovice not only for wine

The land for caravans and motorhomes is located in a quiet location of...

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