Behind the barn by the pasture

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20.18 €

20.18 €

12.11 €

6.05 €

4.04 €
The camping meadow is located below the place where the barn of the free farm No. 1 in Habří used to be. It is adjacent to a pasture, there is a forest and the river Bobrůvka. The advantage is the possibility to use always clean and equipped sanitary facilities of the nearby guesthouse 24/7, where there is also drinking water, electricity, wi-fi, seating under a pergola or umbrella, non-stop self-service bar with chilled drinks and ice cream. At the bottom, next to a row of apple trees, there is a level terrace for 10 tents or 3 caravans. Guests park for free in the paved parking lot or directly in the meadow with two entrances. The property has no other neighbours and only 15 residents live in the tiny quiet village.
basic parameters
It is necessary to arrange the time of arrival with the property owner to enable the access to the property. What does it mean?
The property owner must confirm the reservation. What does it mean?
100% reservations confirmed recently. The average response time is 16 minutes.
There is enough space for 5 individual reservation on the property. What does it mean?
You will receive the exact location after you complete the reservation, indicative map is below. Why?
The property owner contact information will be provided after the reservation. Why?
toilet - Clean and equipped sanitary facilities next door, available 24 hours a day by appointment.
drinking water - Water from the Habri village. Available by appointment 24 hours a day.
electricity - It is possible to use electricity from the guest house for a fee. Free phone charging etc. free wi-fi.
shower / washroom - The sanitary facilities offer cold drinking water, which you can use to wash your hands, cup, brush your teeth, etc. About 100m from the campsite there is a river where you can rinse and refresh yourself.
picnic table
campfire ring
Access to the property may be a problem in winter
Access to the property may be difficult in rainy weather

A nice, well-maintained, asphalt main road leads to us. Don't be fooled by the navigation and don't take any dirt or forest roads. There are signposts on the way from Strážek and Bukov. In the village of Habří look for the Pension U Statkářky, there are also signs with arrows.

Restriction of the access road

Caravans and bigger cars can come to us without any problems. The whole farm can be driven around, so you can choose from 2 routes to the parking lot. There are 2 entrances to the camping area.


More difficult terrain - Highlands. We can arrange bike storage. Cycling arena Vysočina Nové Město na Moravě.


River Bobrůvka, trout.


Icefall Vír.

winter sports

Cross-country skiing trails. Ski slopes in the surroundings, also snow-covered, suitable for beginners. Biathlon in Nové Město na Moravě. Icefall Vír.

water sports

Dolní Rožínka quarry, Šiklův Mlýn swimming pool, Smrček swimming pool, Bystřice nad Perštejnem swimming pool, Bystřice nad Perštejnem swimming pool, Domanín pond, Skalský pond, Tišnov swimming pool, Velké Meziříčí swimming pool, Dalečín pond, Maršov - Kaolínové jezírko, Nové Město na Moravě natural swimming pool, Olešnice swimming pool.

activities for kids

You can use the attractions of the guesthouse - sandpit, swing, trampoline, skittles, coloring books, board games. Nearby is the western town of Šiklův mlýn, Pernštejn castle, Eden Bystřice nad Pernštejnem amusement and cognitive park.


Trenckova gorge with waterfalls, Bobrůvka and Loučka river valleys, Vírská dam, Lísek castle, Mitrov castle, ruins of Mitrov castle, Haberské and Vlaštovčí rocks, Svatá hora, Pernštejn.


Suitable for riding.

Other activities

Fireplace, guitar, darts, seating under the covered terrace, Russian skittles.


Fire only on the fireplace or grill. The pet has to put up with our dog :)

Arrival from: 14:00
Departure until: 10:00
Can I come anytime?

campfire allowed
Be extremely cautios when starting a fire as there is a risk of fire due to long-term drought! Use only designated areas and remove all combustible materials from the reach of fire. Do not start a fire in windy weather. Please consult with the property owner, there may be a temporary fire ban in the area.
own grill allowed
parties and noise prohibited, please keep quiet also during the day More info
payment in cash and outside the reservation system is not possible More info
Ratings by guests
Where do the property ratings come from?

What the guests say about the property:
Magic camping
To experience
For families
9.8 - 11.8.2024 Robert říká:
A shower would be great.
26.7 - 28.7.2024 michal říká:
great location, quiet, nice land near the river.
29.6 - 30.6.2024 Veronika říká:
The great advantage of this camping-free is the possibility of using the facilities in the owners' guesthouse next to the property and also the friendliness of the owners themselves :). We also praise the well-maintained fireplace with a small seating area; not to mention the beauty of the surrounding area and this picturesque village in general! A minor disappointment was the actual layout of the property, where we struggled to find more privacy or much needed shade during the day in the summer. Indeed, after looking at the photos from the reviews, it seems that the originally accessible part of the property, which was the only part that offered more privacy and shade in the corner behind the barn, is now newly fenced off as a separate parcel with a marquee and was not available to us at the time of our stay. However, if you crave the tranquility of a small secluded village and are OK with the above, we can only recommend it :)
Owner's reaction Dobrý den,
rádi bychom reagovali na negativní hodnocení, které nás velmi mrzí.
Všechny naše fotografie v nabídce jsou aktuální a stále upravujeme i
popisky tak, aby odpovídaly skutečnosti. Bohužel několik let staré
fotografie hostů v recenzích změnit nemůžeme. Pozemek jsme rozšířili,
udržujeme ho a pravidelně sečeme. Protože je mírně svažitý, nechali
jsme pro stany a karavany vybagrovat plošinu, kde může stát na rovině
vedle řady jabloní až 10 stanů. Hosté kempu mají možnost využít
sociální zázemí penzionu, vždy čisté, vybavené, s elektřinou, wi-fi a
pitnou vodou, mají ho k dispozici 24 h denně, stejně jako posezení pod
velkou pergolou a slunečníkem, kde je stín, a kde mohou využít i non
stop samoobslužný bar s chlazenými nápoji a zmrzlinami. Zmiňované
zákoutí jsme opravdu časem oddělili zábranou – provázkem, protože zde
hosté opakovaně zakládali oheň mimo ohniště a zanechávali zde velké
množství odpadků. I tak však mají milovníci kempování k dispozici
většinu našich pozemků a pěkných míst ke stanování. Ještě dodáme, že
hosty přivezené slunečníky, altány a přístřešky nezpoplatňujeme. Naši
fotogalerii dnes rozšiřujeme o další fotografie pozemku, kde si můžete
vše prohlédnout.
S pozdravem Dušan
7.8 - 8.8.2023 Petr říká:
Habří - "where the road ends"..., a beautiful place in "seclusion" in close proximity to the house and guesthouse of the owner of the land. Possibility of using toilets, pumping water. If you like wine, offer very good wine ;-)...
Thank you, Petr and Oliver Koudelka.
29.7 - 30.7.2023 Petra říká:
Ideal place to start various trips, nice owners and super is the background (toilet) at the guesthouse, where you can have a draft beer! A place for camping equal :) definitely recommend :)
My trip
I will stay in: (What should I select in my case?)

Number of persons:
>12 years
4–2 years
0–3 years

(+ 12.11 € a night) Rules for stays with dogs

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