Garden at the Cottage of Modřínek

machine translated show original

15.07 €

15.07 €

15.07 €

6.83 €

3.01 €
We offer you for rent a plot near our cottage Modřínky. You will have plenty of space for camping and at the same time our possible presence at the cottage will not disturb you. The land is bordered by two streams, one main - Lipkovský, and one smaller, which flows through the meadow from the nearby forest, where it springs. On the land there is a small well and a small pond where children can play with water. You can get drinking water at the cottage from the outdoor tap. On the plot there is a nice smelling booth with a ready washing stand - canister and disinfectant soap, one large fireplace with logs for sitting and metal skewers for roasting buns, There will be happy and small children who will play by the stream. The property can be accessed with a car (there is a turntable for turning the car around closer to the cottage), but there is no sewage spout. There is also electricity on the plot (230 V socket). There is ample space for a tent(s) and room for two cars. The site is designed for quiet, peaceful visitors. However, if a group of even 15 scouts arrive within one reservation, there is plenty of space... The site is for two reservations, so we recommend checking the box "I want to be on the property alone" and you will have complete privacy. WiFi is available at the cottage, password on request :-)

For summer, there is a hammock and two children's swings (one is for up to 3 years) hanging between the trees. The land is maintained by mowing. It is quiet and yet close to the 4km distant Králíky and to the over the hill distant Dolní Morava or Klepý hill, which is a pleasant moderate walk accessible from the upper parking lot above Horní Lipka. Children and dogs have a free range here, there is no risk of being hit by a car, so parents can really relax here. Everyone has to clean up after the dogs. There are beautiful evenings with sunset and when it gets dark, a romantic surprise awaits you.. :-)
basic parameters
Free access to the property What does it mean?
The property owner must confirm the reservation. What does it mean?
100% reservations confirmed recently. The average response time is 13 minutes.
There is enough space for 2 individual reservation on the property. What does it mean?
You will receive the exact location after you complete the reservation, indicative map is below. Why?
The property owner contact information will be provided after the reservation. Why?
toilet - Nice booth :-)
drinking water - There is an outdoor tap at the cottage where you can turn on the water. The water is from a borehole that supplies the cottage.
electricity - Electricity is available at the campsite.
shower / washroom - Yes, is there a new solar shower starting 7/2024 ?
picnic table
campfire ring
Wastewater disposal
Greywater (shower, washing) - A well or a small brook will serve for a normal washing. You can pour the grey water into the tall grass behind the fence or into the meadow.
Chemical toilet - You CANNOT pour a chemical toilet on the property!
The property is accessible even in winter / in the snow season
The property is easy to access even in bad weather

Accessible in all weather conditions. Only in snow, above 10 cm is a problem to drive (for 4x2 vehicles). However, the road is not on a slope, so for 4x4 vehicles the snow height limit is moved up - as far as possible.

Restriction of the access road

After the bridge, it goes off to the right. With a long caravan there could be a problem of length. But the Tatra 8x8 will get through.


The whole area is suitable for cyclists.

winter sports

Winter resort Dolní Morava - accessibility about 8 minutes.

activities for kids

A fountain with a small stream and a water mill. Swing. Hammock. Sandpit with sitting edge.


Lower Moravia, Králický massif, Klepý hill (Trojmořský hill), Military Museum Králíky, Hedeč pilgrimage site, Králický Sněžník, etc.

roller skating

A road with nice asphalt and little traffic runs through the village. There is also a back road leading from the property which is even quieter.


At Prostřední Lipka there is a possibility of agreement and a ride on horses with a local breeder.

Other activities

The woods are excellent for mushroom picking, the land is also a good starting point for trips to the mountains of the Kralický massif. History and military enthusiasts will enjoy the many bunkers and the military museum.


We clean up after the dogs, the smoker also cleans up his cigarette butts to make it nice for other guests. Once a week, weather permitting, the lawn is mowed, so let's be nice to the owner and not let him disturb us by mowing, let's go for a hike for example. Firewood is free to use, there is plenty of it everywhere. But remember to cover the stack with a sheet again after removal to keep the wood dry for other guests. There is an axe in the bundle where the splitting log is for rent :-) The caddy box serves you - decent people, so keep it clean and clean up after yourself. The surrounding cottages belong to nice people, so let's be respectful. May you enjoy your stay here! :-)

Arrival from: 15:00
Departure until: 12:00
Can I come anytime?

campfire allowed
Be extremely cautios when starting a fire as there is a risk of fire due to long-term drought! Use only designated areas and remove all combustible materials from the reach of fire. Do not start a fire in windy weather. Please consult with the property owner, there may be a temporary fire ban in the area.
own grill allowed
parties and noise prohibited, please keep quiet also during the day More info
payment in cash and outside the reservation system is not possible More info
Ratings by guests
Where do the property ratings come from?

What the guests say about the property:
For families
To the mountains
Magic camping
13.7 - 21.7.2024 Pavel říká:
Perfect as always and the icing on the cake is the new solar shower. The landlord recommended us excursions such as Dalimilova tower, Zemská brána, church in Neratov or to go for excellent trout in Polish Kamienczyk. We will look forward to seeing you again sometime.
12.7 - 14.7.2024 Kateřina říká:
A beautiful place that we will be happy to return to. Even though there are two sites on the property, there is plenty of privacy and each site has everything you need. A very pleasant and helpful owner who takes nice care of the place and builds everything here with respect for nature and the surroundings.
4.7 - 7.7.2024 Lukáš říká:
The land is big and amazing :-) all around beautiful quiet :-) we will definitely come back again. The owners were also great they were very helpful and even when we had a problem with the car they helped. 😉
25.6 - 28.6.2024 Eva říká:
Beautiful land in a beautiful location. A short walk to everywhere. I was a little worried that there wasn't a fence because of the dogs, but it's perfectly bordered by the creek and the road is far away, so the patch wasn't a problem. No ticks and surprisingly no mosquitoes. A perfect activity for the kids by the running water. Arrangement with the owners prefect. Thank you.
21.6 - 23.6.2024 Daniel říká:
Quiet location, pleasant communication with the owners
My trip
I will stay in: (What should I select in my case?)

Number of persons:
>12 years
4–2 years
0–3 years

(+ 2.01 € a night) Rules for stays with dogs

More info

Arrival - Departure

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