Old orchard in the Kokořín region

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10.09 €

10.09 €

8.07 €

7.27 €

4.04 €
Mšeno - the gateway to Kokořínsko! Old family orchard 'behind the humny' - between the village and the countryside, 30 acres, unfenced to allow the animals to pass freely. A quiet place, silence and darkness. Already the territory of the Protected Landscape Area Kokořínsko-Máchův kraj. Beautiful view.
PICKING UP FRUIT AND WOOD BY AGREEMENT ONLY!!!- Check if fire-making is temporarily forbidden in this area by the fire brigade! Local taxes included.
We speak English and German.
Mšeno is now part of the PID! and there is now a weekend direct train from Prague in high season. In town all main services, incl. info centre, pharmacy, ATM, post office, petrol station, 4 pubs and 2 pastry shops etc. The famous Mšenský round sourdough bread, water from freely accessible springs in the ravines - the nearest is Stříbrník near the waterworks in Ráj. The town is a conservation area. Swimming in the unique monument of the town's Art Deco spa, or swimming in the Kokořín mine in the Harasov ponds. From the orchard straight on foot or by bike or cross-country ski to a region full of ravines, sandstone formations, forests, springs, castles, roubenek....
And why do I provide an orchard for kindred spirits? I've been thinking about something similar for a long time, how to allow good people to stay with us in a peaceful, clean and beautiful place. I have been taking care of the orchard since I was a child, now I have inherited it and I am trying my best, but it used to serve the whole family for fruit, nowadays there are not enough of us to do it... I want to share it with those who can appreciate it....I will certainly expand the range of services slowly, also according to the needs of visitors.


- The orchard is adjacent to the cemetery
basic parameters
Free access to the property What does it mean?
The property owner must confirm the reservation. What does it mean?
93% reservations confirmed recently. The average response time is 21 minutes.
There is enough space for 3 individual reservation on the property. What does it mean?
You will receive the exact location after you complete the reservation, indicative map is below. Why?
The property owner contact information will be provided after the reservation. Why?
Moderate cancellation policy What does it mean?
toilet - separating eco-toilet in a wooden latrine. Please clean up after yourself and check after the children!
drinking water - not on the property. on request, we will lend you a canister for collection from the wells or bring a full one to the orchard. for rinsing there is a barrel with an umbrella by the toilet.
campfire ring
Wastewater disposal
Greywater (shower, washing) - Discharge of grey water on the property ONLY when using eco products! (We are in a protected area). Next to the Ecotoilet in a pit with gravel prepared for it.
Chemical toilet - There is no possibility to pour a chemical toilet, WE ARE IN A PROTECTION AREA. THERE IS AN ECOTOILET ON THE PROPERTY.
Access to the property may be a problem in winter
Access to the property may be difficult in rainy weather

The access road to the orchard is a semi-paved road paved with aggregate. the terrain in the orchard is not completely flat ! It's not a lawn! Normal cars but no problems.

Restriction of the access road

The orchard must be entered from the narrow dirt road in one direction only (from the south). You have to turn around in the orchard! OA therefore max. length 6,5m, width 3m with mower only. JET SLOW. OA straight into the orchard and stay standing 'under the lime tree'. Trailer only small.


Lots of cycling routes, Cyclobus in summer


Pond Jezero and Černík in Mšeno, Ponds in the Kokořín area


Rock town with many climbing routes, Climbing wall in Sokolovna

winter sports

cross-country skiing trails- depending on the weather and local activities, maintained...or simply through fields and forest. Skating on the ponds

water sports

Art Deco City Spa - a unique cultural monument. Harasov Pond in Kokořín Mine, Nedamov Pond near Dubá, Macha Lake

activities for kids

in the orchard free movement, climb trees, hide in bushes, hang out on swings. Several playgrounds in town, swimming pool


The starting point to the Kokořín and Macha Region, Mšeno is a town conservation area, Kokořín Castle, Houska Castle, Bezděz Castle, Lobeč restored brewery and E.Štorch Museum, Vrátno windmill, Olešno village conservation area (k.ú.Mšeno( and Nosálov, Vrátenská hora lookout tower, rock formations such as the maze at Romanovo or Pokličky and many ravines and formations and caves, Hradsko historical settlement, Kadlín lookout tower and museum, cultural landscape orchards and avenues...


Gál's neighbouring village Stránka, Farm Laka v Ráj (part of Mšena) and others

Other activities

Mushroom picking, stargazing, rare wildlife and plants


RESTRICTIONS: caravans up to 6.5m in length and 3m in height - keep quiet and calm (we are in the chko and next to the cemetery) - BEFORE you go, go through the orchard on foot and evaluate the possibilities - do not damage the branches - do not go into the tall grass (we cut gradually for the sake of nature) - collect wood or fruit ONLY after prior agreement. - Leave toilets clean (check after the children) !- only light fires on the fire pit- only light your own barbecue away from the tree branches - check if lighting fires is temporarily banned in this area ! Bio-waste and dog waste in the compost heap next to the toilet, take the rest with you. Containers for separated waste are in several places in the village.

Arrival from: 17:00
Departure until: 10:00
Can I come anytime?

campfire allowed
Be extremely cautios when starting a fire as there is a risk of fire due to long-term drought! Use only designated areas and remove all combustible materials from the reach of fire. Do not start a fire in windy weather. Please consult with the property owner, there may be a temporary fire ban in the area.
own grill allowed
parties and noise prohibited, please keep quiet also during the day More info
payment in cash and outside the Campu.eu reservation system is not possible More info
Visited personally by the campu.eu team. Our comments:

Very quiet and beautiful land for relaxation, where you just perfectly "switch off" and recharge your batteries. The orchard is very extensive. If you have a larger caravan or motorhome, it is essential to park at the beginning of the orchard and not to drive between the trees where you can damage your car but also the beautiful trees. We highly recommend this plot.

Ratings by guests
Where do the property ratings come from?

What the guests say about the property:
For families
With a view
Magic camping
21.9 - 22.9.2024 Barbora říká:
The land is in a quiet location, in front of the gates of Kokořínska. Trees provide a pleasant shade, a fireplace with a kadibouda simply everything one needs for a pleasant camping.
31.8 - 1.9.2024 Jindřich říká:
Well-concealed place next to the cemetery wall. Highly recommended for nature lovers, the fact that there are old trees, and for the most part left high grass, makes it very lively, especially the birds feel comfortable here and didn't mind our stay. The owner, despite his absence, provided water and firewood (we didn't end up using it).
14.8 - 18.8.2024 Agnieszka říká:
Great place and friendly, nice owner! We can definitely recommend. We spent a couple of days there with the kids and didn't miss anything the whole time. It's a very good base for trips into the area, offering plenty of privacy, quiet in the evening and sitting by the fire. We recommend it!
23.8 - 24.8.2024 Jan říká:
Beautiful site, flat enough for 2 large family tents. Safe fireplace, equipped, comfortable toilet.
As the description says, don't park under trees, fruit falls from them.
2.8 - 3.8.2024 Martin říká:
We were here for the second time and again without a single mistake. Close to the city and the forest.
My trip
I will stay in: (What should I select in my case?)

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>12 years
4–2 years
0–3 years

Rules for stays with dogs

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